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  • Writer's picturekhushnood khan

Vcenter developer center-Code capture

Code Capture records user actions and translates them into executable code.

Code Capture gives you the ability to record actions taken in the vSphere Client and output them as usable PowerCLI code. You can then copy the code or download it as a script and use it in a PowerShell session to execute the task.

1)      Open vsphere client web page on the browser and go to Developer Center.



2)      Click on code capture.

3)      Enable the code capture option.


4)      We can select the language from the language drop down menu.



5)      we can see the recording option enabled as shown below


Top right in the web client


6)      click on start recording option

7)      we will be executing a snapshot operation and see the output here.


The output can be copied or downloaded.

8)      We can clear and start the option again by clicking the option clear and start another.


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